Mission Statement
To improve worldwide burn care, promoting accessibility and quality of burn facilities, while recognizing regional and local differences.
- Disseminate and facilitate across the world the implementation of the ISBI Practice Guideline for Burn Care
- Support the world-wide utilization of the Global Burn Registry, launched by the WHO, to collect meaningful data necessary for any local, regional or international burn prevention program
- Promote the improvement of the quality of provided burn care worldwide, researching for and endorsing the use of specific health care quality improvement strategies.
Nadia Depetris, Italy, nadia.depetris@gmail.com
Committee members
African Region
Deborah Knight, Niger knightdeborahj@gmail.com
Oluwatoyin Olufemi, Nigeria oluwatoyinolufemi@yahoo.com
Region of the Americas
Luiz Phillipe Molina Vana, Brazil philipe@uol.com.br
Mauricio Jose Lopes Pereima, Brazil mauriciopereima@hotmail.com
Sarvesh Logsetty, Canada logsertty@umanitoba.ca
James Gallagher, USA burndrjim@gmail.com
Anthony Papp, Canada anthony.papp@gmail.com
Ariel Miranda, Mexico ariel_miranda_altamirano@hotmail.com
Cameron Gibson, USA gibson.cameron@gmail.com
Alan Rogers, Canada alandavid.rogers@sunnybrook.ca
South-East Asia Region
Kuldeep Singh, India drkuldeepsingh@hotmail.com
Suvashis Dash, India suvashis.dash@gmail.com
European Region
Nadeem Khawaja, UK nadeemkhwaja@hotmail.com
Athina Lavrentieva, Greece alavrenti@gmail.com
Laura Pompermaier, Sweden laura.pompermaier@liu.se
Easter Mediterranean Region
Tariq Iqbal, Pakistan iqbalpims@yahoo.com
Amr Moghazy, Egypt moghazy@yahoo.com
Habib Qasim, Afghanistan drhabib.afghan@gmail.com
Western Pacific Region
Dong-Chul Kim, Korea medicalinternet@yahoo.co.kr
Marie-Claude Pelchat, Taiwan marie@sunshine.org.tw
Goaxing Lou, China gaoxingluo@burnstrauma.com
Coming soon