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Message from the President...

Dear ISBI Members and Friends,

It has been a tumultuous year for many in our international burn community as we confront a rapidly changing and often violent world.  I hope that we can take comfort in our roles as healers and know that we are daily striving to make our corner of the world better for our burn survivors, their families and their communities.  Thank you for your continued hope and optimism.

The ISBI continues to grow and live our mission “To reduce the global burden of burns and improve burn care,”  We had a very successful Congress in Birmingham with 1,107 attendees which makes it the 3rd largest ISBI meeting of all time.  During this Congress we introduced polling in all the symposia to improve audience participation which found a very receptive audience.  We will continue to find ways to make the Congresses more interactive and educational.                                                                                          Continued Message

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2025 ISBI Regional Conference

2025 ISBI Regional Conference

3 Dec 8:00AM – 4 Dec 5:00PM 2025

Event Details

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As a member of the ISBI you will enjoy a range of benefits such as:

  • Grants, scholarships, and travel support
  • Subscription to the Society Journal
  • Access to Educational Portal
  • Access to a range of academic, clinical, and educational resources
  • Member discounts for meetings and conferences

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Discover Our Journals Burns & Burns Open

The International Society for Burns Injuries (ISBI) aims to disseminate knowledge and stimulate prevention in the field of burns. In order to achieve these goals, the ISBI: endorses regional and national meetings and congresses; awards grants to professors taking part in courses and congresses in other countries and to members wanting to visit other burn centers; assists with the organization and financial support of educational courses in different countries; collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO) as a non-governmental organization; provides members with reduced registration fees at their biennial conferences, and ensures their members receive the Burns journal free of charge.

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